I was folding some clean laundry that I had hung up, and my little brother was in the same room as me. Sometimes it gets really annoying, because he tends to get all the folded clothes I put down and throw them everywhere. I was a little bit frustrated and kept telling him to go out of the room so I could fold everything. He decided to whip back in with his plastic, toy car that he rides around the house.
I was getting even more annoyed, until he finally went out of the room. I had a stack of folded laundry in my arms and didn't see his car in the way.
I TRODDED on his car. My big toe took the blow and I'm like, "Owwwwwwwww *whine*". My Mom asked what was going on and I told her. I didn't really think anything happened to me, so I went along and place the clothes in the closets where they belong.
As I was walking outside Mom's bedroom, she goes, "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE BLEEDING!" I looked down and sure enough, my toe was bleeding... not only that, I had trailed loads of blood across the floor without even realizing it. I ran (actually more like hobbled lol) towards the little bathroom and started running my toe under water. I looked at it and so much skin had been torn off and a huge piece was flapping off from under.
I had to keep pressing it for about 15 minutes until the bleeding subsided. I put some tissue and a band-aid around it. Now it just hurts like HECK.
And the worst thing is, I might have to keep wearing sandals until it heals completely. I was afraid I'd have to get stitches! Thank God I don't have to.
Besides that, my school is having an inter-school basketball competition... Loads of school teams came today, and we spent most of our free time in the gym cheering on our teams of preference =D We went a little wild towards the end of the day lol! It was soooo hot outside too, so I guess today is officially summer!